Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'm on the hunt for teak (or similar type) wood sugar bowls. Got these ones at Chapel St Bazaar. They were the only ones there. Any folks out there have any to sell? Preferably smaller but any size would be cool. Trade you some coffee for some sugar bowls? Or do you know where I could buy any??


Christy said...

I know this blogger who makes some amazing wooden bowls--but no sugar bowls seen in her online store (all the items are sold out presently). But you can email her and ask about the possibility of creating them for you?? They're on the expensive side though, because all of them are handmade, and you have international shipping costs to deal with on top of it...But here's the link in case you're still interested http://herriottgrace.bigcartel.com/

Anonymous said...

you should try contacting orio randi at arteveneto
37 Thomas Place. Prahran tel. 9519 9225
he makes the most beautiful things from wood. has a showroom there which includes peppergrinders and small bowls for salt and pepper. does a lot of commissioned work.

also i ran into you at printers today. you should try sticky labels website www.stickylabels.com.au they can make what you need for the brown glass jars.

tried calling you but no answer or machine??

Dead Man Espresso said...

Thanks Brigid. I know of Artevento. The look I kinda want comes from a magazine that did an article on them. Though I haven't been there. Will check them out.
I've worked out I need 'pad printing'. Went back to Copy Captain who gave me a quote. Have requested a quote from Sticky Label. Thanks for the recommendations!!

Also thanks Christy. Checked out the site. Beautiful stuff. Though I picked my bowls up for $12. Will keep hunting.

Anonymous said...


similar yet not the same...